
Good news, my fellow Kindle readers, in the near future there will be more Spanish and Latin American e-books available!

Interested in something to read? Why not check out some of the Latin American Literary Review recommendations? This list is taken from the LALR site:

And What Have You Done?, José Castro Urioste
Assumed Name, Ricardo Piglia
Ayacucho, Goodbye & Moscow's Gold, Julio Ortega
A Bag of Stories, Edla van Steen
Bazaar of the Idiots, Gustavo Alvarez Gardeazábal
Beatle Dreams and Other Stories, Guillermo Samperio
Beer Cans in the Rio de la Plata, Jorge Stamadianos
Black Novel with Argentines, Luisa Valenzuela
Boulevard of Heroes, Eduardo García Aguilar
Breakthrough / La Brecha, Mercedes Valdivieso
Bubbeh, Sabrina Berman
Cape Horn and Other Stories from the End of the World, Francisco Coloane
Celina or the Cats, Julieta Campos
Chola, Mi-Chelle L. Rios
City of Kings, Rosario Castellanos
Chambacú: Black Slum, Manuel Zapata Olivella
Chronicle of San Gabriel, Julio Ramon Ribeyro
Clara, Luisa Venezuela
Cruel Fictions, Cruel Realities, ed. Kathy S. Leonard
The Cuban Mile, Alejandro Hernández Díaz
Duplications and Other Stories, Enrique Jaramillo Levi
Early Mourning, Edla van Steen
Enclosed Garden, Angelina Muñiz Huberman
The False Years, Josefina Vicens
Flowering Inferno, Rima de Vallbona
For Voice, Severo Sarduy
The Gold Mine, Barbara de la Cuesta
The Golden Fountain Cafe, Benito Pérez Galdós
Holy Saturday and Other Stories, Ezequiel Martínez Estrada
Hot Soles in Harlem, Emilio Díaz Valcárcel
The Island of Cundeamor, Rene Vazquez Diaz
Love-Fifteen, Antonio Skármeta
Más allá de las máscaras (Beyond the Masks), Lucía Guerra Cunningham
The Maypole Warriors, Fernando Alegría
The Medicine Man, Francisco Rojas Gonzalez
Memories of Underdevelopment, Edmundo Desnoes
A Mexican Masquerade, Sergio Galindo
The Mirror of Lida Sal, Miguel Angel Asturias
Musicians and Watchmakers, Alicia Steimberg
Nazarín, Benito Pérez Galdós
Of My Real Life I Know Nothing, Ana María Moix
Patient, Ana María Shua
People on the Prowl, Jaime Collyer
The Pink Rosary, Ricardo Means Ybarra
The Room In-Between, Ana María Delgado
Scent of Love, Van Steen
Scents of Wood and Silence, ed. Kathleen Ross and Yvette E. Miller
The Shadow: Thirteen Stories in Opposition, Enrique Jaramillo Levi
Shadow Play, The Rats, José Bianco
The Sharpener and Other Stories, Andrés Berger-Kiss
The Silver Candelabra and Other Stories, ed. Rita Gardiol
Soldiers Cry by Night, Ana María Matute
Song of Distant Root, Elizabeth Subercaseaux
Strange Forces, Leopoldo Lugones
Sultry Moon, Mempo Giardinelli
The Tenth Circle, Mempo Giardinelli
There Never Was a Once Upon a Time, Carmen Naranjo
This Eye That Looks At Me, Loreina Santos Silva
To Die in Berlin, Carlos Cerda
Tomorrow I'll Say, Enough, Silvina Bullrich
The Trap, Ana María Matute
The Two Siblings and Other Stories, Luisa Mercedes Levinson
Welcome to Miami, Dr. Leal, René Vázquez Díaz
When New Flowers Bloomed: Short Stories by Women Writers from Costa Rica and Panama
Whispers from the Andes, eds., Marjorie Agosín and Celeste Cooperman
Within These Walls, Luis Arturo Ramos
Wolves' Dream, Abdón Ubidia
Yo-Yo Boing!, Giannina Braschi

New book recommendations every two weeks! If you have a novel recommendation, leave it the comments below.

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