Good news, my fellow Kindle readers, in the near future there will be more Spanish and Latin American e-books available!
Interested in something to read? Why not check out some of the Latin American Literary Review recommendations? This list is taken from the LALR site:
- And What Have You Done?, José Castro Urioste
- Assumed Name, Ricardo Piglia
- Ayacucho, Goodbye & Moscow's Gold, Julio Ortega
- A Bag of Stories, Edla van Steen
- Bazaar of the Idiots, Gustavo Alvarez Gardeazábal
- Beatle Dreams and Other Stories, Guillermo Samperio
- Beer Cans in the Rio de la Plata, Jorge Stamadianos
- Black Novel with Argentines, Luisa Valenzuela
- Boulevard of Heroes, Eduardo García Aguilar
- Breakthrough / La Brecha, Mercedes Valdivieso
- Bubbeh, Sabrina Berman
- Cape Horn and Other Stories from the End of the World, Francisco Coloane
- Celina or the Cats, Julieta Campos
- Chola, Mi-Chelle L. Rios
- City of Kings, Rosario Castellanos
- Chambacú: Black Slum, Manuel Zapata Olivella
- Chronicle of San Gabriel, Julio Ramon Ribeyro
- Clara, Luisa Venezuela
- Cruel Fictions, Cruel Realities, ed. Kathy S. Leonard
- The Cuban Mile, Alejandro Hernández Díaz
- Duplications and Other Stories, Enrique Jaramillo Levi
- Early Mourning, Edla van Steen
- Enclosed Garden, Angelina Muñiz Huberman
- The False Years, Josefina Vicens
- Flowering Inferno, Rima de Vallbona
- For Voice, Severo Sarduy
- The Gold Mine, Barbara de la Cuesta
- The Golden Fountain Cafe, Benito Pérez Galdós
- Holy Saturday and Other Stories, Ezequiel Martínez Estrada
- Hot Soles in Harlem, Emilio Díaz Valcárcel
- The Island of Cundeamor, Rene Vazquez Diaz
- Love-Fifteen, Antonio Skármeta
- Más allá de las máscaras (Beyond the Masks), Lucía Guerra Cunningham
- The Maypole Warriors, Fernando Alegría
- The Medicine Man, Francisco Rojas Gonzalez
- Memories of Underdevelopment, Edmundo Desnoes
- A Mexican Masquerade, Sergio Galindo
- The Mirror of Lida Sal, Miguel Angel Asturias
- Musicians and Watchmakers, Alicia Steimberg
- Nazarín, Benito Pérez Galdós
- Of My Real Life I Know Nothing, Ana María Moix
- Patient, Ana María Shua
- People on the Prowl, Jaime Collyer
- The Pink Rosary, Ricardo Means Ybarra
- The Room In-Between, Ana María Delgado
- Scent of Love, Van Steen
- Scents of Wood and Silence, ed. Kathleen Ross and Yvette E. Miller
- The Shadow: Thirteen Stories in Opposition, Enrique Jaramillo Levi
- Shadow Play, The Rats, José Bianco
- The Sharpener and Other Stories, Andrés Berger-Kiss
- The Silver Candelabra and Other Stories, ed. Rita Gardiol
- Soldiers Cry by Night, Ana María Matute
- Song of Distant Root, Elizabeth Subercaseaux
- Strange Forces, Leopoldo Lugones
- Sultry Moon, Mempo Giardinelli
- The Tenth Circle, Mempo Giardinelli
- There Never Was a Once Upon a Time, Carmen Naranjo
- This Eye That Looks At Me, Loreina Santos Silva
- To Die in Berlin, Carlos Cerda
- Tomorrow I'll Say, Enough, Silvina Bullrich
- The Trap, Ana María Matute
- The Two Siblings and Other Stories, Luisa Mercedes Levinson
- Welcome to Miami, Dr. Leal, René Vázquez Díaz
- When New Flowers Bloomed: Short Stories by Women Writers from Costa Rica and Panama
- Whispers from the Andes, eds., Marjorie Agosín and Celeste Cooperman
- Within These Walls, Luis Arturo Ramos
- Wolves' Dream, Abdón Ubidia
- Yo-Yo Boing!, Giannina Braschi
New book recommendations every two weeks! If you have a novel recommendation, leave it the comments below.
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